November Wine Tasting


Enjoy a selection of the most approachable and affordable wines in a fun blind tasting. Join us at the St. Anne Knights of Columbus Wine Tasting Fundraiser. Spaces are limited so register now.
Friends and family welcome as long as they are over 21. Free child care and parking included.
Sunday November 3
Moriarty Hall
$20/pp Early Registration
$30/pp General Registration
Save $10 by registering before 10/22/24

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October Date Night

Lets get this new season of Date Night started. It’s Fall and the Halloween season is upon us. Here’s some fun things to do this month.

OPTION 1: Harvest Festival

Get the kids a wrist band and let them play on the inflatables and games. While they’re busy exhausting themselves, you and your date can enjoy some ice cold beer and and a juicy würst at the Biergarten.

Discussion Questions to ask during your Date:

  • When was the first time you drank a beer?
  • What other events would you like to see at St. Anne?

October 19 11am-5pm
St. Anne School Yard

OPTION 2: Sangria!

Remember when you were both dating and all you could afford was the happy hour at the local college bar? Lomo Libre has those vibes. And great Peruvian fusion dishes. Daily Happy Hour specials from 4pm-6pm.

Discussion Questions to ask during your Date:

  • If our relationship was a dish on the menu, what would it be?
  • What do you think about saying grace before our meal this week?

Lomo Libre Cantina
1824 Irving St, San Francisco, CA 94122

OPTION 3: Couples Costume

Put together a couples theme costume. Send us a selfie together shopping at Spirit Halloween, or at a costume party, or trick-or-treating.

Discussion Questions to ask during your Date:

  • If you could disguise yourself as anyone, who would you be?
  • Why do you think it’s important to dress up for church?



Pick one of these Date Night ideas. Choose the day and time that fits your schedule. Feel free to customize how fancy or upscale you want.


Take a selfie together while on your Date. Email us your photos before 6pm the last day of the month. If you share your pics on Facebook or Instagram, please use the hashtag #stannedatenight


When we receive your photos by email, you’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawing, which will be held at the 10am Sunday mass the following month. You do not need to be present to win but you should go to church anyway, right?

Get out there and good luck!

Tom “Moondog” DelMundo III
Program Lead
St. Anne Couple’s Relationship Enrichment (SACRE)
808 384 1047

Blessing of the Pets

📆October 6, 2024 11:30am-11:50am, after the 10:00am Mass
📍St. Anne School Yard

“Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land”