Holy Week Schedule 2017

  • There are no morning Masses from Thursday, April 13 through Holy Saturday, April 15. Instead, there will be Morning Prayer at 8:45am.
  • The 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass takes the place of the usual 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass which will not be celebrated.
  • Confessions will be heard on Good Friday, April 14 at 3:00pm. (There are no confessions on Holy Saturday, April 15.)

Join SAGES in Support of the Gubbio Project

Instead of a February event, SAGES (St. Anne Growing, Exploring Seniors) will once more sponsor parishioner donations to a very worthwhile cause: The Gubbio Project at St. Boniface Church. The Gubbio Project is now serving 300 people per day at their two Churches: St. Boniface in the Tenderloin and St John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in the Mission. Gubbio’s programs include Friday morning breakfast, weekly massage and foot care, and daily coffee and pastries, and free lunches are provided by St. Anthony’s Dining Room. Case management services, emergency and essential supplies continue to be offered at St. Boniface Gubbio Project. So, please consider making a donation to this very worthwhile cause. Make your checks payable to St. Anne Church, memo SAGES’ Gubbio Project, attn. Sr. Esther, and leave in the St. Anne rectory mailbox.
Thank you.

Email drive

With the modern convenience and affordability of email, we will be having an “email drive” for the next few weekends. We are requesting that you share with us your email so we can email you parish news and activities. Please note that we will not sell your email information to anyone. If you’d like to be included in our email list, please email us at info@stanne-sf.org the following information:

  • your name
  • your address (if this is a new address, also include your old address)
  • your phone number
  • your envelope number, if you have one
  • whether you’d like to receive email or receive both email and regular mail