Schedule A Parish Service Form 2022-23
Our parish is made great by people who are willing to give of themselves to serve Christ, His Church and one another. Say “yes” to God, and you’ll never regret it.
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Adult Club
The St. Anne’s Adult Club, a group of 23 ladies, meets every Tuesday for a “bag lunch”, which we bring, complimentary coffee and dessert, and Bingo until 2:00PM. We enjoy each other’s company each week and are hoping to add more members. Thanks to a bequest, the club treats all members to box lunches in March and June, and a wonderful Christmas luncheon at the Presidio Golf Club. Our sessions go from the first week in September until the first week in June, with a holiday break through Christmas until the first Tuesday in January.
Meetings: Tue, 11am – 2pm, first week September until first week June.
Contacts: Jan Trusty, 415-564-8387,
Thelma Russo, President, 415-681-3568
Bernice Juliano, Secretary/Treasurer, 415-564-8387
Note: Lunch provided in March and June.
Altar Servers
Interested students, grades 5-8, male and female, Catholic and non-Catholic, are invited to participate. The school provides altar servers for funerals held on school days as well as school masses. Chris Mangini coordinates training for the students enrolled at the school. Rosenda Chan schedules the servers for the weekly masses. Less experienced servers are paired with more experienced servers to gain knowledge and confidence. At the end of the year, the school coordinator and parish coordinator organize the altar server picnic by reviewing the list of active servers as well as completing, distributing and collecting required permission slips.
Athletic Department
The Athletic Department, under St. Anne’s Parish, works closely with the Catholic Youth Association (CYO) and the San Francisco Parish School Baseball League (SFPSBL).
We have Fall X-Country, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Winter Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Spring Baseball, Track & Field, and Girls Basketball. Players are taught sportsmanship, leadership, respect, competition and teamwork. The volunteer coaches and members of the Athletic Department work together to create a sense of enjoyment for the children’s sports and social life.
Mie Mie Kwong, Athletic Director, 415-606-5776,
Bible Study (also known as Scripture Study)
What better way to understand our Christian faith than to immerse oneself in a weekly 2-hour study of the Bible? Over the course of several weeks, members take turns reading aloud in class a chapter being examined. At the end of every chapter, our teacher leads the group through a verse by verse analysis of the text, answering questions. Often, general discussions on the topic at hand arise. When the discussion is finished, the next chapter is read aloud by the person whose turn it is, followed by another analysis and another discussion. By meeting once a week for several years, this group has read every word of the entire Bible, and we are now reading it through a second time!
This has been of immense benefit to lectors, who now understand the context of the selections of Scripture they are asked to read at Mass and of great value to people who feel as though they would like to read the Bible, may even have tried, but have gotten bogged down in complexities. While the perspective is Catholic, the approach is not literal; we take into account the historical and theological imperatives that shape each book, as well as the purpose and target audience of its human authors. This is adult faith formation from the deepest source – the Word of God!
Meets: Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00PM
Where: Rectory Conference Room
Contact: Ken DelPonte, Instructor, 415-902-2040,
Children’s Liturgy
The Children’s Liturgy is normally held at the 10:30AM mass and conducted by teachers of CCD program. The children (grade K to 5) are led away from the congregation before the first reading. The readings and the gospel are read to them in a children friendly version and then are discussed with them. Word search and coloring games are also done. Children rejoin their parents after the prayers of the faithful.
Contact: Rosenda Chan, 415-269-1838,
Chinese Pastoral Center
St. Anne Chinese Pastoral Center (CPC) began with a vision from the Chinese Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese of San Francisco in 1995. The plan was to create centers around the city to minister and to share the good news of the gospel with the Chinese people. St. Anne’s CPC supports the faith of non-English speaking Chinese Catholics as well creates a welcoming atmosphere for non-Catholics so they can find community, friendship and faith.
Contact: Michael Chan, 415-370-7876
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
This is the process by which adults 18 years or older interested in becoming full members of the Catholic church prepare for and receive their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation). It consists of weekly meetings that involve prayer, catechesis, faith-sharing, and fellowship. The candidates are accompanied on their journey to become full Catholics by sponsors from within or outside the parish community. The candidates celebrate with their sponsors and the parish community the various Rites marking significant turning points on this journey. Opportunities for serving in this ministry include being a member of the RCIA team (helping with publicity, hospitality, and fellowship), being a sponsor (accompanying the candidate at meetings and/or Mass), and being a catechist (teaching the truths of our faith and leading discussions). In any of these roles you could be vitally important to the candidates as a witness to what it means to live as a committed Catholic follower of Jesus Christ.
Meets: Mondays, 7:00-9:00PM
Where: Rectory Conference Room
Contact: Ken DelPonte, Director, 415-902-2040,
Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)
This program prepares children over the age of 7 for Baptism and First Holy Communion.
Meets: Sundays, 9:00AM
Where: St. Anne School
Contact: Rosenda Chan, 415-269-1838,
Note: Meeting time is the same time as CCD class and can be changed as
The commentator welcomes the assembly before the mass, provides brief explanations and commentaries, and announces the hymns and general announcements.
Contact: Freda Motak, 415-335-5606,
Communion to Homebound
This ministry provides communion to the homebound. Anyone can make the request through St. Anne’s Church. Our 4 volunteers visit homes as well as three retirement centers, Vintage Retirement Center, Sunset Garden Care and Lawton Health Center.
Contact: Dolores Colen, 415-564-9624
Dance and Exercise Classes
The purpose of the Dance and Exercise Class, organized in 2008 by a group of parishioners, is create a warm and welcoming spirit at St. Anne’s through dance and exercise. It’s open to all, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. All the donations and
proceeds from the class parties, held twice a year, are donated to the parish.
Meets: Sundays, 2:00PM to 4:00PM, Dance and Exercise
Sundays, 3:00PM to 5:00PM, Chinese Line Dance
Where: Gym at Moriarty Hall, Dance and Exercise
Moriarty Hall, Chinese Line Dance
Contact: Nita Wong, 415-810-1591,
This ministry helps provide a beautiful and appropriate environment in our church according to Liturgical Seasons. Besides helping to clean up and decorate for Christmas, Lent and Easter, weekly activities include watering of plants and flower arrangements, and tidying up the surroundings. We decorate and take care of God’s house.
Contact: Sr. Mary Francis Melencion, 415-665-1600, Ext. 39
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, assist in the distributing Communion at the Masses and also brings Christ to those who might be sick or homebound.
Contact: Freda Motak, 415-335-5606,
Family Mass
Family Mass is a ministry that works closely with families of St. Anne School and the Religious Education program (aka CCD). Its focus is to give younger families a stronger sense of community within the Parish by providing various opportunities for the children to serve during the Mass. Each month, there are Family Masses on the first and third Sundays, unless otherwise indicated. The first Sunday is sponsored and organized by the families of St. Anne School and the third Sunday is sponsored and organized by the Religious Education program.
Finance Council
The Finance Council assists and advises the Pastor in overseeing and controlling the financial affairs of the parish. The Council is accountable to the Pastor, who has the responsibility for final decisions. Members shall be appointed by the Pastor and must be active Catholic members of the parish. Members should be skilled in business and have some expertise in management, financial, accounting, legal, fundraising or related fields. Examples of topics addressed by the Council include review of proposed expenditures that are not included in the Archdiocesan uniform chart of accounts, study sources of parish revenue, review of all banking arrangements, and advise the Pastor in financial aspects of managing and caring for the parish buildings.
Meets: Monthly
Members: Fr. Daniel Nascimento, Jack Henning (Chair), Alberto Fuentes, Annie Handajam, Bea Wirth Jimenez, Bill Barnickel, Brian Batt, Catherine Steinbach, Matt Louie, Tom Walsh.
Contact: Jack Henning: 415-665-6117,
Gift Shop
The St. Anne’s Gift Shop offers a wide selection of unique and beautiful gifts for Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations and other occasions year round. There is a large selection of rosaries and medals, prayer cards, Italian statues and crucifixes as well as rosary rings and bracelets. A selection of the Holy Bible and prayer books are also available as well religious CD’s.
Hours: Saturday: 3:00PM – 6:00PM; Sunday: 8:30AM – 12:00PM
Contact: Sr. Mary Francis Melencion, 415-665-1600 Ext. 39
The Greeters Ministry is mainly responsible for welcoming parishioners and visitors to the Saturday 5:00PM Vigil mass, and Sunday 9:00AM, 10:30AM masses. The Greeters host the Sunday hospitality table after the 9:00 and 10:30 am masses approximately six times during the year
Holy Rosary Sodality
The Holy Rosary Sodality meets every week to pray the rosary for the needs of the parish and our world. We also serve the homebound by visiting them and bringing them Holy Communion .
Meets: Thursday, 4:00PM
Where: Rectory conference room
Contact: Thelma Russo, 415-681-4264
The Hospitality Committee hosts donuts, pastries and coffee after the 9:00AM and 10:30AM masses. This weekly social is a welcome event for parish families and visitors, and is sponsored by different ministry groups such as St. Anne Parents Teachers Organization (SAPTO), Chinese Pastoral Center, Salve Regina & Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Greeters, Knights of Columbus, Shalom Prayer Group and the DMC Group. During their designated Sunday, each group is responsible for ensuring a sufficient supply of coffee and pastries and clean-up of the vestibule.
Contact: Sr. Mary Francis Melencion, 415-665-1600, Ext. 39
Journeys to Enlightenment – Go to a beautiful place far enough away from home, to make you think about your life. We´re always in the midst of noise. It makes you have moments of silence, and in the silence, the Lord speaks to our hearts. This silence is important to let the Lord bless our lives. You return home absolutely renewed. Our lives are a journey, but we are walking to a new Jerusalem. Pilgrimages, spiritual journeys, retreats & adventures are a reminder of our journey with a great friendship. They open our hearts for the surprise of what the Lord wants to do in your life. If you’re interested in Carmel Mission, Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain, Fatima, or elsewhere, email your ideas which will help grow this new ministry.
Contact: Rachel Abaqueta Leluc, 415-665-1600×23,
Kids R Us
Kids R Us welcomes new families at St. Anne Parish, to reassure them that our community loves to hear their children at mass, and if parents need any support to enjoy mass with the family, whether it be baby cleaning supplies or the key to a private chapel during mass, we are here to help.
Rachel Abaqueta Leluc, 415-665-1600×23,
Kid Stock
Kid Stock is a non-profit performing arts company which serves children grades 1-8 in the Bay Area. Our founding program, ´The St. Anne Sunshine Band´, began in the early 80’s at St. Anne Parish and is still an after school program today. Children learn to work together while building confidence and self-esteem through song, drama, art and dance. Each summer, Kid Stock holds two 3-week day camps in Moriarty Hall. Children from St. Anne’s and many parts of San Francisco participate in these programs.
Meets: Wednesdays, after school, October to early Spring
Where: Moriarty Hall
Contact: Noel Donovan, 415-753-3737
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, with over 3 million active members in almost every country of the world. It has been active in the United States since 1931, has been approved by the last 6 Popes and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members. Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Members meet once a week for prayer, planning and discussion in a family setting. Then they do two hours of definite work each week, in pairs and under the guidance of their spiritual director. Works include door-to-door evangelization, parishioner visitation, prison ministry, visitation of the sick or aged, crowd contact, religious education, visiting the newly baptized, Pilgrim Virgin Statue
rotations, and meeting the other spiritual needs of the parish community. Legionaries are under the guidance of a spiritual director named by the pastor, and are, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the pastor.
Meets: Every Tuesday @ 4pm in the Rectory Conference Room
Contact: Paulita Mendoza, 415-681-4264
Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord at Masses. There are two lectors scheduled for every weekend Mass. The lector also announces the intentions for the Universal prayer (Prayers of the Faithful).
Contact: Freda Motak, 415-335-5606,
Little Stars
St. Anne’s under 8-year-old ministry for young families to build community. We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word on the 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10am Mass, and a special community building space, Convent Garden & SAFE, for parents to organize and/or participate in Parish events with good energy with other younger families. All families are encouraged to share ideas on how to develop this new ministry & get involved. Contact: Rachel A Leluc,
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee helps plan and organize for the different liturgical seasons of our faith, such as Christmas, Lent and Easter, but also special seasons like Thanksgiving, All Souls remembrance masses, and Novenas. Its goal is to ensure a smooth liturgical celebration because bad liturgies can harm or discourage faith while good liturgies can foster, inspire and strengthen our faith.
Contact: Freda Motak, 415-335-5606,
Maintenance (Light)
The Maintenance Committee helps the parish with minor maintenance and repair work in the church from changing light bulbs to fixing leaks. Assistance is provided to the Pastor as needed.
Contact: Chris Diner, 415-566-7500,
Men’s Club
The purpose of the Men’s Club is to assist and promote the physical, mental, social development and welfare of the children of St. Anne Parish. Historically, the Men’s Club has supported athletics, scouting, the annual festival and other extra-curricular activities and events.
Meets: 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00PM at Cliff Heinz Room
Ministry of Consolation
Every year, the coordinator sends out personal invitations to family members and friends of deceased parishioners who have died from November 1st of the previous year to October 31st of the current year inviting them to attend the annual memorial mass for their loved one. The parish community is also invited to attend. The names of the deceased are placed at Blessed Mother’s Altar throughout the month of November which is the Month of Remembrance. The Book of Remembrance is also available throughout the month of November for names to be included at our masses for the dead.
Contact: Freda Motak, 415-335-5606,
Music Ministry
Do you like to sing or play an instrument like the flute, violin or guitar? This is your chance to be a part of Music Ministry at St. Anne of the Sunset! Throughout the year and especially during this Seasons of Christmas, Lent and Easter, we invite you to join our parish choir. We rehearse once a week and sing at the 10:00 Mass every Sunday. St. Anne School families may have a separate rehearsal time after school. All ages and skill levels are welcome, with no audition or experience required. Come join us, now is the perfect time to share your love of music with the St. Anne community.
Contact: Randell Rentar,
Neocatechumenal Way
The Neocatechumenal Way is one of the fruits of the Second Vatican Council. Saint John Paul II affirmed it “as an itinerary of Catholic formation valid for our society and our times” which can: “answer to the challenge of secularization, the spread of sects, and the lack of vocations. The reflection of the word of God and the participation in the Eucharist make it possible for a gradual initiation into the sacred mysteries.
The Neocatechumenate is one way to help those who have not been sufficiently evangelized and catechized to deepen their faith, as well as to bring back those who have drifted away from the Church or who have abandoned the faith. Among the many fruits of this Way are families who have reconciled, and are open to life, as well as numerous vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The members of the NCW live their faith in small communities within the parish by meeting regularly to celebrate the Word and the Eucharist.
Contact: Jane Anne Sullivan, 415-902-1533,
Parish Council
We are a group of parishioners selected by the Pastor that serves as an advisory board to him, assisting with the formation of a vision for the parish, and developing strategies to implement the 5 year vision plan. The parish council meets with the Pastor on a monthly basis.
Contact: Beverly Perea, 415-823-4380,
Play Lift Awaken Young@heart. “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw. From a road trip to Reno, to a Camino down California extending to Spain, World Youth Day in Europe to a Pilgrimage to Lourdes or Jerusalem, we’ve got the praying together down, let’s now work on playing together
Contact: Rachel Abaqueta Leluc, 415-665-1600 x23,
Prayer Circles
The Ministry of Prayer began in January 2000 with one circle of eight dedicated members of St. Anne’s Church dedicating their time unselfishly, praying for those in need. We now have three Prayer Circles with 21 members praying every day, each in their own way. Over the past 16 ½ years, each has prayed for many hundreds of those in need of prayer until they are well or have passed. Our motto is: When we pray, your prayer is our prayer.
Contact: Peggy Casarez, 415-824-4801,
Religious Education (CCD)
The Religious Education program provides for the education of public school children in the faith. We help prepare the children to receive the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation) and provide them the opportunity to serve in the parish such as the 3rd Sunday 10:30am Family Mass and other community service.
Contact: Carmen Perlas, 415-665-1600 x 38,
St. Anne For the Environment (SAFE)
Within the context of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si and Vatican II and the Ecumenical Movement, qualified student groups can be hosted at SAFE (St. Anne’s Convent) in order to engage in service learning programs for spiritual development; participate in activities based on Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) teachings to help build community, love and respect for each other; share culture and traditions with the local community to create valuable exchanges in our culturally diverse world.
Contact: Rachel Abaqueta Leluc, 415-665-1600 x23,
St. Anne School Consultative Board
The purpose of St. Anne School Consultative Board is to provide advice and assistance to the principal and pastor in establishing goals and defining policies which shall govern the operation of St. Anne’s School, subject to such rules and regulations that precede from the Archbishop through canon law and the corporate structures of the Archdiocese and the Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools and the Archdiocesan Board of Education.
Meets: approximately 4 times per year in the school library
Contact: Tom White, 415-667-7977,
Scouts, Cub (Pack 15)
The Cub Scouting program has 10 purposes related to the overall mission of the Boy Scouts of America. They are: character development, spiritual growth, good citizenship, sportsmanship and fitness, family understanding, respectful relationships, personal achievement, friendly service, fund and adventure and preparation for Boy Scouts. Every Cub Scouting activity tries to fulfill one of these purposes but they’re not all serious. Silly songs, energetic games and yummy snacks all have a place in the program.
Scouts, Boy (Troop 15)
Boy Scout Troop 15 is one of the oldest troops in San Francisco having been founded in 1938 by Ed McFadden. Troop 15 is sponsored by St. Anne’s Church. Boys of all religious backgrounds are welcomed. Troop 15 seeks to develop the mental, physical, and leadership potential of its and boys and young men. The troop strives to train its boys so they can fulfill leadership positions within the troop, with the ultimate goal of having a “boy run” troop, with adults serving as advisors and ensuring that the national standards of safety and appropriate activities are maintained. The scouting program has three specific goals referred to as the “Aims of Scouting.” They are character development, citizenship training and personal fitness. We want to see youth leaders leading younger scouts. Developing leadership skills are “life skills” that go beyond a youth’s scouting life.
Where: Moriarty Hall, Fridays (school year), 7:30pm
Contact: Gus Silva, 415-272-9522,
Scouts, Girl
Contact: Giselle Palacios-Delmundo, 808-384-3424,
St. Anne Parent Teacher Organization (SAPTO)
SAPTO is St. Anne School’s parent group. All parents of St. Anne School are members. Working together in fundraising and community building events, it is a way for parents to get to know one another as they work together.
The objectives of this organization are to:
- Come together in a spirit of Christian friendship and enhance the social needs of our school and parish community.
- Unify parents, principal, pastor, teachers, religious educators, and others who are interested in understanding cooperative efforts on behalf of Catholic education.
- Foster a spirit of cooperation between the school and other parish organizations and encourage activities for the benefit of the parish community.
- Broaden an interest in Catholic education within the community.
- Further communications between home, school, and parish.
- Emphasize the responsibility of home and school in the guidance of the child.
- Promote programs for the growth and welfare of the Catholic child and parents in the home, school, and community.
- Provide a network of volunteer services for the school.
- Generate financial support for the school through various fundraising efforts.
- Contact: Beverly Perea, SAPTO President
St. Anne’s Chinese School
Under St. Anne Parish, with full support from past and present pastors, St. Anne Chinese School was founded in 1982. Our school provides tutoring on Chinese language and culture. We aim at offering our students an opportunity to be bilingual and also aim at understanding both Chinese and Western cultures. Our staff is ready to work with students to assist them in achieving the goal with commitment and dedication. Tutoring is given at St. Anne School classrooms. We believe that students will be more focused on learning what they are studying in pleasant and comfortable surroundings. Currently, there are 8 different levels of Mandarin in both After school and Saturday program. The total enrollment exceeds 200.
Meets: Weekday Classes: Tues – Fri, 3:30 – 4:30pm
Saturday Classes: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Contact: Eva Wong, 415-665-3929,
Web address:
St. Anne School
St. Anne School was established in 1920 by the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Catholic faith foundation is woven into all our subjects and activities. Today, we continue our tradition of excellence in our school programs extending from Pre-K thought Eight Grade. St. Anne offers strong academics, balanced student life, and active parent participation. St. Anne School resonates with a warm community of students, teachers, parents, and parish that build positive lifelong friendships.
Contact: Tom White, 415-667-7977,
St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Anne’s Parish supports the mission of St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco and that is, to offer hope and service on a direct person-to-person basis, working to break the cycles of homelessness, substance abuse and domestic violence. The St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco, started in 1860, now serves over 1,000 people in need every day. It takes a dedicated team of people to do this work.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is a new ministry with a mission to communicate the meaning of stewardship. Many Christians in the church today view stewardship only as giving money to the church. Stewardship is how we take care of everything God has given to us. That includes our friendships and family, our gifts and abilities, our money and our world. We respond to God’s great gifts by giving back to Him. Christian Stewardship concept suggest that we are given three gifts: The Gift of Our Time, The Gift of our Unique Talents, and The Gift of Treasure. These three gifts are symbolic of the three gifts presented by the Magi at Christ’s birth. Over the next several months, planned activities include a ministry fair to introduce parishioners to the various ministries that St. Anne’s Church has and provide the opportunity to join the ministry they are interested in.
Contact: Cora Intertas, 415-793-0666,
The ministry of the Ushers is not only to help the pastor with the collections. Its primary role is to keep order, to help create a spirit of worship, reverence, and friendliness in and about the Church because we are the face of the Church to those who come to worship and visit.
Contact: Tony Ramos, 415-759-8669,
Youth Ministry
The goal of Youth Ministry is to offer the infrastructure of a SAFE environment for our high school students to continue 3S gatherings (service social spiritual) to prepare a meal, laugh, support each other, fulfill school service requirements and other community building activities.