- 1: Family Mass, 8th grade sponsored
- 1: Feast of St. Francis Pet Blessing after 10am Mass & Convent Garden Hospitality
- 4: Feast of St. Francis Pet Blessing after after school
- 21: Parish Festival – Movie Night
- 22: Parish Festival – Carnival Games; Dinner Dance
- 23: Parish Festival – Pancake breakfast, sponsored by Troop 15
- 1: All Saints Day, 8:45 AM 4th grade sponsored, 12:00 & 6PM
- 2: All Souls/Dia de los Muertos Altar
- 4: Annual Mass of Remembrance for all parishioners who have died in the past year
- 5: Family Mass, 3rd & 7th grade sponsored and SAPTO hospitality
- 6 to 13: Non-perishable Food Drive
- 24: Thanksgiving Mass food blessing
- 26: Annual Giving Tree starts
- 1: Annual Giving Tree continues
- 3: Family Mass, 4th grade sponsored
- 8: Parish Volunteer Appreciation Christmas party
- 10: Parish Christmas Party with SAPTO after Mass. Stop by the DIY Arts & Crafts table & eco-friendly giftwrap.
- 15-23: Simbang Gabi devotional, nine-day series of Masses in anticipation of Christmas
- 16: St. Anne’s Church Cleaning & Decorating Day
- 24: Live Christmas Nativity at 5PM Family Vigil
- 25: Christmas Masses: Midnight Mass with caroling sing-along at 11:30PM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12 noon Chinese
- 1: New Year’s Day Mass
- 14: Celebrating Santo Niño & New Year’s Resolution blessing at 10AM Mass
- 28: Catholic Schools Week Mass, 10 AM, All grades sponsored
- 2: Family Mass, 2nd grade sponsored
- 14: Ash Wednesday, 8:45 AM with St. Anne School, 12PM & 6PM
- 18: Lenten Small Faith Groups, Feb 18 to March 23, 2024
- 1: Lenten Small Faith Groups until to March 23
- tbc: Crab Bash dinner
- 3: Family Mass, Kindergarten & 6th grade sponsored
- 9: Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Party
- 29: Good Friday, Stations of the Cross
- 31: Easter Sunday Mass w/Easter egg hunt @ 10am Mass
- 22: Laudato Si On Care for Our Common Home and Earth Day
- 5: First Holy Communion, St. Anne School 2nd Grade & Religious Education
- 12: May Crowning with First Holy Communicants
- 2: Family Mass, 1st & 5th grade sponsored
- Annual Parish Picnic
- 18 – 26: St. Anne’s Novena
- 26: Feast of St. Anne